Jimmy and Sarah Lee 선교사(베트남) 선교소식 –
Visit to MKPC church: It was wonderful to meet some of you this past summer. Myself and my family felt so blessed to have visited MKPC church. It was wonderful how we were welcomed with open arms and how we were able to share with each other. We thank you for your hospitality but also your vision and participation in the great commission!
Our main reason for coming back to the US this summer was to attend training with our “company.” During our training, we were able to learn practical tools for being out on the field. We were also able to meet up with all of the staff that support us in addition to other workers who are looking to work in different countries. It was an amazing time of filling of the HS and creating new friendships with fellow workers.
- Moving homes in Hanoi: We moved to a new home in early September. Although we really liked our old high-rise apartment, it was not a good place for our children to be, especially because they were home every day to homeschool. We wanted to be somewhere where they can play outside and are closer to their friends. So now we are in a new housing complex called the Water Village. We know quite a few friends who live here and it is a wonderful place for our kids to be!
- Start of Homeschooling: As you know from our previous updates, homeschooling was one of our main p-ayer requests last year. This year G has provided for us! PTL! We have our friend Kelli who is helping our children with learning the B-ble, reading and writing. We also have another friend who is helping our older children with math and science. Sarah is homeschooling our youngest Megan. In addition to this, our homeschool group has increased in size which is great. We continue to p-ay that we can turn our group into a type of school in the future!
- Spotlight English and meeting with friends: As soon as I returned to Vietnam, I was able to jump right into Spotlight English Club. This has been a blessing in the midst of the craziness of moving and starting schooling. I’ve also had a chance to catch up with a few local friends… it was great to meet up after not seeing them this summer!
September/October plans:
- Alpha is starting: Our church will be hosting the Alpha course starting October 3rd. I will be a group discussion leader. For those unfamiliar, Alpha is an “introduction” to C-ristianity course where young adults gather to watch a video and then talk about life’s important questions. It is great way for people to experience the love of G.
- Love Hanoi Festival preparation: In December Hanoi will be hosting a very special event, the Love Hanoi Festival. On the weekend of December 8th, the Billy Graham Association will be hosting a revival in one of the largest stadiums in the city. Local C leaders all throughout the country are working together to mobilize and plan for this event. It is a miracle that the government is allowing this to take place! As such this could be one of the major events in the history of this country to make a vast change for C-rist!
I am preparing to be a counselor at the event. In order to do this I am currently attending a 4 week seminar so that I can serve.
- Spotlight English and meeting with friends: I will continue to teach at Spotlight and also meet up with individuals.
P-yer requests
- Transition to our new home. It’s been a tough adjustment to moving to our new home (for the parents). We’ve lived through construction, huge messes, rats in the house in addition to the tiredness typical of moving. Please p-ay that we start to settle into our new home.
- For the Love Hanoi festival. Please p-ay for the planning for the festival. Please p-ay that all of the local C leaders would work together not just for their own congregations but for the greater expansion of His kingdom. Please also p-ay for the local government and that the HS would lead them grant us the various requests that we need for the festival to take place. Please also p-ay for them, that they may come to know the Lord
- For expansion of our Vietnamese knowledge. I would really like myself and Sarah to really make some progress on our Vietnamese learning. I will try to take on additional hours this year. Please p-ay that the HS will allow us to learn at an accelerated pace.