


Jimmy and Sarah Lee 선교사(베트남) 선교소식 – February 2017 Highlights

  • D*scipleship group HIF: we have begun our post Billy Graham festival, post Alpha d*scipleship group at our Ch*rch. Myself and my friend Josh are leading the group where I help with praise and organization of the different groups.  We are using a d*scipleship program recommended from our Pastor.  The person who put together this material actually used to live in Vietnam so it works very well for us!
  • One-on-one meetings: As part of our group, I have been discipling one individual… lets call him Chris.  He is actually a bit older than most of the younger people here in Hanoi… he has 2 young girls.  Chris recently became a believer after attending Alpha and the festival.  He is very eager to learn more about Chr*st and I’m looking forward to getting to know him.
  • Spotlight English Club: English club has actually been quite slow recently… many of the older members have stopped coming and we now have a few young members (Highschool and younger).  This throws off the dynamic of the group.  The nature of the group is that there are ebbs and flows, with some seasons seeing a very large number of students and other seasons seeing very few.  I am p*aying for some changes to the club to get it active again
  • Teaching English at VNU: In addition to Spotlight English Club, I am currently volunteering at Vietnam National University teaching English to engineering students.  This has allowed me to make more Vietnamese friends and also provide them an avenue to start attending Spotlight, invite them to ch*rch and perhaps even attend Alpha in the future.
  • Business preparation update: Our company has officially been active for 10 months now and we have not started doing business yet. I’ve spoken to many ex-pats over the past few months and I have been advised how best to do business here in Hanoi which is VERY different than back in the states.  As such we will be modifying our business scope to include tutoring language, while continuing to look for IT opportunities here in Hanoi.   As a part of this, my team leader will be needing a new visa/work permit soon and we have agreed to work together.  This works out well as one of our main goals was to provide work permits and visas for workers who want to share about Chr*st.  I will hopefully have him employed over the next few months and have him start tutoring English right away.

March 2018 Plans:

  • Continued focus on Language: As I mentioned in our past newsletter, both myself and Sarah plan to focus more on language between now and the summer. As part of this, I am arranging to meet up with some Vietnamese friends on a weekly basis to practice Vietnamese
  • D*scipleship group, teaching students and Spotlight: I will continue to spend time with young Vietnamese teaching at the university and at Spotlight.  I will also continue to do d*scipleship with a few older Vietnamese as well.
  • Business preparations: Continue working toward preparing our company to offer language services.  I will need to start working on a Visa and Work Permit for my team leader.

Pr-yer requests

  • Business logistics: Please p*ay for us that everything would go smoothly with the logistics of our business.  We will need to receive multiple approvals from various government departments to move forward and to provide visas.
  • Vietnamese help: Please continue to p*ay that the L*rd would help us with our Vietnamese learning!
  • Continued Pr*yer for our children’s education: Please continue to p*ay for our children’s schooling for next year.  We will do mostly online classes next year however we are not sure what to do with our youngest child (Megan).
  • Moving of the HS for our d*scipleship group: Please p*ay that the HS would lead us in our d*scipleship groups and that he would guide us leaders to be wise, patient and teaching ONLY the things that the HS wants us to teach!